frontier aerospace headquarters, engineering, manufactuing, production


Incorporated in 2014, Frontier Aerospace Corporation (formerly Frontier Engineering) was founded in 1997 by Jim McKinnon.  Jim's extensive background in rocket propulsion at Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne and ability to innovate / explore new technologies led him to start Frontier.


Conceptualizing, designing, proving and additively manufacturing innovative in-space and launch system rocket propulsion. 


From concept ideation, to product development, or design verification test, we have the industry experience, resources, partnerships and industry contacts necessary to see complex projects through.  Frontier has a proven philosophy for propulsion development that produces reliable, tested designs that are ready for hand-off for final flight design qualification.

Key end Markets.

  • NASA / Civil Space

    •      Lunar Landers

  • Commercial Space

    •      Satellite Maneuvering

    •      Deep Space Exploration

    •      Earth Observation

    •      Space Debris Management/Removal

    •      Manufacturing in Orbit

  • Human Spaceflight

  • Missile Defense

technically sound.

Fully equipped with the necessary software and hardware to perform challenging design and analysis efforts:  Modern 3D parametric CAD; structural, thermal, fluid and electromagnetic analysis; purpose-built rocket analysis; material selection/optimization; data management; high-end workstations and laptop hardware; and constantly updated firewall and network security systems.